The Film You Should Watch

The long awaited film ‘Fantastic Fungi’ featuring my personal hero is out on vimeo and I can’t recommend it enough. From the astonishingly beautiful visualisation of the underground root systems networking through mycelium to a myriad of exquisitely captured mushroom’s growth, the documentary sweeps through the vast world of fungi with clarity and elegance. If…

The Tastiest Way to Process Wild Boars Part 2

Now we are getting into the meat of the processing and will be revealing some key tricks to making it taste amazing. I’ll be combining images from two wild boar processing to show how my uncle achieves the highest quality meat that I’ve come across. As mentioned in my last post, the blood letting is…

The Tastiest Way to Process Wild Boars Part 1

One of the reasons for visiting Japan this winter was to learn how to trap, process and cook wild boar and deer from my uncle and auntie who lives on the Southern tip of Izu Peninsula. Since these posts will contain a lot of bloody pictures and a video of the kill, I contemplated quite…

Why Go Barefoot?

An introduction to barefoot minimalist shoes, the theory and mechanics of it and some reviews.

Straw Bale Build: Foundation

On our days off from the caravan rebuild, we’ve been helping a local French man Philippe who is building a straw bale house. He built his garage using the same technique last year as a test. This year, he’ll be building his house of about 45m squared 5.5 x 8, a little bigger than what…